“LCD damage affects the screen of your device. If you encounter such a problem, you can contact our reliable technicians to assess the damage. With an LCD replacement, we’ll restore your device to its proper working condition, All in Less Than 30 Minutes.”
As repair experts, we understand how relevant LCDs are to devices’ functionality. Whether you use a touch screen phone, laptop, or a regular ‘button-powered device, the fact is, you require a screen to perform basic tasks. The LCD is a critical component of the screen in devices that uses a flat-panel display to produce images.
How do you know if your phone, laptop, or tablet has a damaged LCD? Sometimes your device may fall and crack, and when you pick it up, it still works perfectly. But as the days go by, you notice black spots in the corner of the screen or a patch of multicolored dots and lines. These are indicators of LCD damage.
LCD damage may manifest in many ways. If you notice that your screen doesn’t work and no matter how hard you press, it remains unresponsive, that could be due to LCD damage. Pixelated screens or black spots could also be signs of damaged LCD.
Your device does not have to suffer a fall and crack before it develops LCD damage. Wear and tear due to regular use can also cause your LCD to break down. At such times, you’d probably think your device has reached the point of no return. What would you say if we told you you’re wrong? Visit us today so we can make the appropriate repairs and have your device working perfectly.